2024 (2) | |
65 | Raja Lingam Goud P. & Bellamkonda, R.S. (2024). Non performing advances of the scheduled commercial banks in priority sector lending in India. The IUP Journal of Applied Economics. (Accepted) |
64 | Mishra, P. K., Sahu, S., Behera, C., Jena, P. K., & Shekhar, B. R. (2024). Predicting Time-Varying Causality Between Inflation Expectations and Realization Using ML Technique: Evidence from India. IUP Journal of Applied Economics, 23(1). |
2023 (6) | |
63 | Bellamkonda, R.S., Mary Sunanda G. & Rongala Sourya (2023). Review and Synthesis of a Decade Research on Transformational Teaching and Student Engagement. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices. 13(2),442-459. |
62 | Mary Sunanda G., Bellamkonda, R.S., & Rongala Sourya (2023). Do teacher engagement in higher education institutions differ with gender, age, designation, and experience? Research and Reflections on Education. 21(3),10-13. |
61 | Sourya Rongala & Bellamkonda, R.S. (2023). Food Tourists: Local Food Consumption Value and its effect on their Behavioural Intentions towards the Destination. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal. 27(5S),1-10. |
60 | Mishra, P. K., Kamaiah, B., Behera, C., Jena, P. K., & Shekhar, B. R. (2023). Predicting and Validating the Impact of Energy Price Fluctuations on Food Inflation: A Machine Learning-Based Approach. IUP Journal of Applied Economics, 22(3). |
59 | Rasheed, K., & Bellamkonda, R.S. (2023). Effect Of Visual Servicescape Aesthetics Comprehension and Appreciation On Affective And Cognitive Evaluations, Satisfaction And Behavioral Intentions; An Empirical Analysis, World Journal of Management and Economics. 15(3). |
58 | Mahapatra, S. C., & Bellamkonda, R. S. (2023). Higher expectations of passengers do really sense: Development and validation a multiple scale-FliQual for air transport service quality. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 70, 103162. |
2022(4) | |
57 | Irala, L.R., Bellamkonda, R.S., & Panchuri (2022). Effective Student Engagement – A Challenge in Online Learning: Overcoming using Automated Google Sheets. World Journal of Management and Economics. 15(10). |
56 | Chepur, J., & Bellamkonda, R. S. (2022). The role of customer experience in the formation of customer engagement in the retail banking industry: mediation and moderation analysis. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 13(4), 357-387. |
55 | Syed-Abdul, S., Babu, A. S., Bellamkonda, R. S., Itumalla, R., Acharyulu, G. V. R. K., Krishnamurthy, S., ... & Jack, Y. C. L. (2022). Using artificial intelligence-based models to predict the risk of mucormycosis among COVID-19 survivors: An experience from a public hospital in India. Journal of Infection, 84(3), 351-354. |
54 | Malwade, S., Marri, M., Gundamraj, R., Yerravalli, V. S. R., Bellamkonda, R. S., Gvrk, A., ... & Syed-Abdul, S. (2022). Telemedicine in your pocket: An alternative teleconsultation tool in a pandemic and in resource-poor settings. Telemedicine and e-Health, 28(8), 1215-1219. |
2021(3) | |
53 | Katakam, B. S., Bhukya, R., Bellamkonda, R. S., & Samala, N. (2021). Longitudinal analysis versus cross-sectional analysis in assessing the factors influencing shoppers’ impulse purchase behavior–Do the store ambience and salesperson interactions really matter?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 61, 102586. |
52 | Chittiprolu, V., Samala N. & Bellamkonda, R.S., (2021). Heritage hotels and customer experience: a text mining analysis of online reviews. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Reseaerch. |
51 | Chittiprolu, V., Singh, S., Bellamkonda, R. S., & Vanka, S. (2021). A text mining analysis of online reviews of Indian hotel employees. Anatolia, 1-14. |
2020 (1) | |
50 | Samala, N., Katkam, B. S., Bellamkonda, R.S. & Rodriguez, R. V. (2020). Impact of AI and robotics in the tourism sector: a critical insight. Journal of Tourism Futures. 8(1), 73-87. |
2019 (1) | |
49 | Chepur, J., & Bellamkonda, R.S. (2019). " Examining the conceptualizations of customer experience as a construct", Academy of Marketing Studies Journal,23 (1).pp. 1-9. |
2017 (3) | |
48 | Uma Maheswari Devi Parmata , Sankara Rao B. , Raja Shekhar B. , (2017) "Service quality in pharmaceutical supply chain – A case study with reference to a major Indian Pharamaceutical company", International Journal of Services Sciences. 6(2).pp. 147-161. |
47 | Annamdevula, S. & Bellamkonda, R.S. (2017)."Where do you find student loyalty in the contemporary university scene?", Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. 9(3). |
46 | Devi Prasad, Maruvada & Raja Shekhar, Bellamkonda (2017). “RAILQUAL: a multiple item scale for evaluating railway passenger service quality and satisfaction”, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 27(2).pp.145-166. |
2016 (5) | |
45 | Mishra, P.K., & Raja Shekhar, B., (2016) ‘Identification and assessment of KPIs in cooperative based dairy-food supply chains: a SCOR approach’, Discovery: The International Journal.52(243).pp. 713-722. |
44 | Uma Maheswari Devi Parmata , Sankara Rao B. , Raja Shekhar B. , (2016) "Measuring service quality in pharmaceutical supply chain – distributor’s perspective", International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 10(3). pp.258 - 284. |
43 | Annamdevula, S. & Bellamkonda, R.S. (2016)." The effects of service quality on student loyalty: the mediating role of student satisfaction", Journal of Modelling in Management, 11(2). |
42 | Annamdevula, S. & Bellamkonda, R.S. (2016). " Effect of student perceived service quality on student satisfaction, loyalty and motivation in Indian universities:Development of HiEduQual",Journal of Modelling in Management, 11(2). |
41 | Umamaheswari Devi, P.,Sankar Rao, B.,Raja Shekhar,B.& Uday Bhaskar,N.(2016)." Service Quality in Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: A study with reference to three major cities of Andhra Pradesh, India", International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 24(4):433-458. |
2015 (2) | |
40 | Umanaheswari Devi, P., Sankar Rao, B., Raja Shekhar,B.& Uday Bhaskar, N. (2015),"Measuring of Service Quality of Pharmacies- A study with reference to three major Indian cities", International Journal of Pharmacy, 5(1):253-264. |
39 | Mishra, P.K.,& Shekhar, B.R.(2015)," Analyzing the product and service aspects of a manufacturing supply chain: A diary industry perspective", International Journal of Business Performance Management,16(2/3):321-338. |
2014 (5) | |
38 | Umamaheswari Devi, P.,Sankar Rao, B.,Raja Shekhar, B.& Uday Bhaskar, N. (2014),"Evaluation of Service Quality from Distributor's perspective in the Pharmaceuitcal Supply Chain", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 5(14):1024-1035. |
37 | Suresh Kandulapati & Raja Shekhar Bellamkonda (2014)," Examining the Structural Relationship of Service Recovery, Customer Satisfaction and Image in Online Retailing", Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,7(2):70-78. |
36 | Ramaiah Itumalla, Acharyulu, G.V.R.K. & Raja Shekhar, B.(2014),"Development of HospitalQual: A service Quality Scale for Measuring In-patient Services in Hospital", Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,7(2):54-63. |
35 | Suresh Kandulapati & Raja Shekhar,B.(2014),"E-service quality:a study of online shoppers in India", American Journal of Business,29(2):178-188. |
34 | Annamdevula Subrahmanyam & Raja Shekhar,B. (2014), "HiEdQual:An Instrument for measuring the Critical Factors of Students' Perceived Service Quality", Management Science and Engineering,8(2),103-109. |
2013 (3) | |
33 | Devi Prasad, M & Raja Shekhar, B. (2013). “Effects of Demographic Variables on Railway Passenger Service Quality: Finding from Indian Railway Passenger Service through Rail Qual ,”International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics ,2(5): 159-162. |
32 | Mahapatra, S. Ch. & Raja Shekhar, B. (2013), “Enlisting The Airline Services Using Fuzzy Evaluation Approach In Indian Context”, International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, Vol 2 (12). |
31 | Mishra, P.K., & Raja Shekhar, B. (2013). Consumer behaviour, customer satisfaction vis-a-vis brand performance: An empirical study of a dairy food supply chain in India. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 7(3), 399-412. |
2012 (7) | |
30 | Subrahmanyam A. & Raja Shekhar, B. (2012). “Development of HiEdQUAL for Measuring Service Quality in Indian Higher Education Sector.” International Journal of Innovation, Management and technology: 3(4), 412-416. |
29 | Krishnaiah J. & Raja Shekhar, B. (2012). “Trends in Management of Technology (MOT) Practices in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in India: A study of Select Food Processing Enterprises.” International Journal of Innovation, Management and technology: 3(4), 374-377. |
28 | Devi Prasad, M & Raja Shekhar, B. (2012). “The effect of Individual Dimensions of Railway Service Quality: Findings from Indian Railway Passenger Services through developing RAILQUAL” International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 3(1): 42-46, |
27 | Udaya Bhaskar, N & Raja Shekhar, B. (2012). “Purchase Patterns of Apparel Retail Customers with reference to select state of Andhra Pradesh” International Journal of Engineering Science and Research (IJESR), Special Edition, March: 10-18. |
26 | Mishra, P. K., & Raja Shekhar, B. (2012). “Evaluating supply chain risks in Indian dairy industry: A case study.” International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management, An Inderscience Publication. 4(1/2): 77-91. |
25 | Acharyulu, G. V. R. K. & Shekhar, B. R. (2012). Role of value chain strategy in healthcare supply chain management: An empirical study in India. International Journal of Management, 29(1), 91-97. |
24 | Mishra, P. K., & Raja Shekhar, B. (2012). “Supply chain cost and stakeholders’ profitability – An empirical study of Indian dairy industry.” International Journal of Advanced Economics and Business Management and Technologies, 2(1): 17-28. |
2011 (6) | |
23 | Udaya Bhaskar, N & Raja Shekhar, B. (2011). “Impact of Service Quality on Apparel Retail Customer Satisfaction- A Study of Select Metropolitan City Hyderabad”, Journal of Management Research, 3(2): 1-13. |
22 | Devi Prasad, M & Raja Shekhar, B. (2011). “Evaluation of Passenger Satisfaction And Service Quality In Indian Railways”– A Case Study Of South Central Railway Using Railqual, International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management (IJRCM), 2(11): 53-57. |
21 | Udaya Bhaskar, N & Raja Shekhar, B. (2011). “Assessment of Service Quality in apparel Retailing- A study of three Select cities” Asian Journal of Management Research, 2(1): 24-34. |
20 | Udaya Bhaskar, N., Uma Maheswari Devi, P & Raja Shekhar, B. (2011). “Measuring Service Quality in Apparel Retailing – A Study in the State of Andhra Pradesh”, International Journal of Economics and Management Science, 1(1): 80-88, 2011. |
19 | Udaya Bhaskar, N & Raja Shekhar, B. (2011). “Applicability of SERVQUAL scale in Indian Retailing”, SRM Management digest, 9: 37-41, 2011. |
18 | Mishra, P. K., & Raja Shekhar, B. (2011). Impact of Risks and Uncertainties on Supply Chain: A Dairy Industry Perspective. Journal of Management Research, 3(2), 1-18. |
2010 (6) | |
17 | Devi Prasad, M & Raja Shekhar, B. (2010). “Analyzing the passenger Service Quality of the Indian Railways using Railqual: Examining the Applicability of Fuzzy Logic”, International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology: 1(5) 478-482. |
16 | Devi Prasad, M & Raja Shekhar, B. (2010). “Importance and the Zone of Tolerance of Passengers’ Expectations of Indian Railway Passengers Services by applying RAILQUAL", Asian Journal of Management Research: 1(2):387-401. |
15 | Mishra, Pramod Kumar & Raja Shekhar, B. (2010), Measuring Quality of Service in Retail Outlets using Fuzzy Numbers, Management Science and Engineering, Vol.4 (3): 80-86. |
14 | Mishra, Pramod Kumar & Raja Shekhar, B. (2010). Supply Chain Performance under Risk Environment: An Empirical Study on Indian Dairy Industry. European Journal of Management, Vol.10 (3): 75-84. |
13 | Devi Prasad, M & Raja Shekhar, B. (2010). Development of Railqual- a Service Quality Scale for Measuring Indian Railway Passenger Services. Management Science and Engineering, Vol. 4 (3):87-94. |
12 | Devi Prasad, M & Raja Shekhar, B. (2010).Impact of Service Quality Management (SQM) Practices on Indian Railways - A Study of South Central Railways. International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 5 ( 9): 139-146. |
2009 (3) | |
11 | Anusha, A. & Raja Shekhar, B. (2009). Evaluation of service quality in Indian Hotel industries: A study of two select Hotels. International Journal of Business Research, IX (4):135-139. |
10 | Acharyulu, G.V.R.K., Raja Shekhar, B. & Sudhakar, M. (2009). Measuring the customer preferences of Direct To Home (DTH) Television service in India. Journal of International Business and Economics, IX (1):103-107. |
9 | Raja Shekhar, B. & Udaya Bhaskar, N. (2009). A comparative study of celebrity impact on consumer behavior with reference to prepaid mobile service providers in select urban and semi urban areas. International Journal of Business Research, IX (6):78-84. |
2007 (2) | |
8 | Raja Shekhar, B. & Acharyulu, G.V.R.K. (2007). Service Quality Measurement in Indian Healthcare industry. Journal of International Business and Economics, VII (2): 151-155. |
7 | Raja Shekhar, B. & Umamaheswari Devi, P. (2007). Supply Chain Management Practices in Indian Process industry. International Journal of Business Research, VII (6): 110-115. |
2006 (1) | |
6 | Raja Shekhar, B. & Umamaheswari Devi, P. (2006). Supply Chain Management Practices in Automotive and Auto components Industry in India. Journal of International Business and Economics, V (1): 195-207. |
2004 (2) | |
5 | Raja Shekhar, B. & Shankaraiah, A. (2004). Consumerism and Consumer Protection (A Global Perspective). Prakarsha, I (1): 53-66. |
4 | Raja Shekhar, B. (2004). Strategies of Supply Chain Management in Global Economy. Indian Journal of Marketing, XXXIV (4): 27-31. |
2003 (2) | |
3 | Raja Shekhar, B. & Shankaraiah, A. (2003). Problems of Consumers in Andhra Pradesh. Management Researcher. X (1&2):2-16. |
2 | Raja Shekhar, B. (2003). Strategies to get effective result throughout the Supply Chain. Strategy- the journal for Management Development, VII (1): 59-64. |
2000 (1) | |
1 | Raja Shekhar, B.et.al (2000).Dilemma of Negotiation: A case study of Dolphin Limited. Prestige Journal of Management and Research, IV (2) 340-343. |
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