Areas of Teaching and Research:
Quantitative Methods, Operations Management, Service Quality, Higher Education and Research Methodology

Google Scholar Citations

I.   Academic/Professional experience: (Since 1993–94)
    • 31 years: 25 years at the University of Hyderabad (13 years as a Professor) and six years at Kakatiya University
II.  Formal/Technical Training:
    • B.Tech. (Civil), M.B.A., Ph.D. (Management), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Psychology), M.A. Ph.D. (Education), PGDPMIR, PGDCS, and FDP (Management-IIMA).
III. Administrative experience:
    • Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Dean, Head, Director & Member Secretary of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Registrar, Dean of Students’ Welfare, Chief Warden, etc.
 IV. Research and Project Guidance:
    • Doctoral Scholars: 22 were awarded Ph. D.s, and eight more are working.
    • MBA Projects: More than 125
V. Publications (6+66+30+10+52*):
    • Books: 6 ( Authored: 2, Edited: 4 (Conference Proceedings))
    • Research papers:  96 ( Journal papers: 66; Books/ Conference Proceedings and Case Reviews: 30)
    • Teaching/Training material: Edited 10 Books; *Authored 52 Lessons
VI. Workshops, Seminars, and Conferences:
    • Total: 76, Coordinated: 26, Attended: 50 (Abroad: 10, In India: 40)
VII.Research/Consultancy Projects:
    • Research and Projects carried out: Rs. 88.22 lakhs
VIII. Membership in Academic and Professional Bodies:
    • Member of several Academic Boards
IX. Training programs conducted/ delivered lectures:
    • National Institute of Rural Management and Panchayat Raj, Hetero Drugs, Marri Chenna Reddy Human Resource Development, Navodaya Leadership Institute, RBVRR Telangana State Police Academy, Human Resource Development Centers of various universities, etc.
X. Participation in Extension Work / Community Service:
    • Television, Radio, Print Media, Career counseling, UGC NET classes, etc.
XI.  Online Teaching/MOOCs
    • Coordinated two courses under SWAYAM and ARPIT.
XII.  Awards and Recognition
    •  Received three Awards/ Recognition


I. Academic/Professional experience:

          31 years (1993-till date)

a) Teaching / Research experience:

  • Senior Professor (2022–to date), School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad
  • Professor (2010–2022), School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad
  • Associate Professor (2007–2010), School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad
  • Reader (2004–2007), School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad.
  • Lecturer (1999-2004), School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad
  • Lecturer (1994–1999), Department of Business Management, Satavahana PG Center, Karimnagar, Kakatiya University
  • Associate Lecturer (1994), Civil Engineering Section, Kamala Nehru Polytechnic for Women, Hyderabad
  • Lecturer (1993–1994), Department of Business Management, Satavahana PG Center, Karimnagar, Kakatiya University

II. Formal/ Technical Training:

    i. Education:


     iI. Awards and Achievements


 III. Administrative experience:


IV. Research/Project Guidance (22+8+ 120*):

Twenty two were awarded Ph.D.s, and eight more scholars are pursuing Doctoral Research.

*Guided /Supervised Projects of various Universities. (University of Hyderabad and Kakatiya University): More than 120


V.  Publications

i. Books (6)

ii. Papers in Journals (66)

iii. Papers in Books, Conference Proceedings, and Case Reviews (30)

iv. Teaching and training material

v. Edited Teaching Material

VI. Workshops, Seminars, and Conferences (76):

VII. Research/ Consultancy Projects carried out (Rs. 88.22 lakhs):


VIII. Membership in Academic and Professional Bodies:

IX.Training programs conducted/ delivered lectures:

  • Delivered lectures in Central, State, Private, and Deemed-to-be Universities, Institutes, and Colleges.
  • Delivered hundreds of talks in Career counseling and Personality Development programs.
  • Organized a training program for the employees of Hetero Drugs.
  • Conducted several training programs for the Officers and Non-Teaching staff of the University of Hyderabad.

X. Participation in Extension work / Community service:

Other Important Responsibilities

  1. Professor-In-Charge, University Works Department, University of Hyderabad (2022–2023)
  2. Member, NEP-2020 Implementation Committee, University of Hyderabad (2021-2023)
  3. Chairman, Grievance Redressal Committee, University of Hyderabad (2021-2023)
  4. Chairman, Investment Committee, University of Hyderabad (2016–2023)
  5. Member, Academic Council, University of Hyderabad (2010-to-date)
  6. Co-ordinator, Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM), Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning (CDVL), University of Hyderabad (2006-to-date)
  7. Chairman, Task Force-2, University of Hyderabad (2021-2022)
  8. Member, Executive Council, University of Hyderabad (2019-2021)
  9. Member, Executive Council, University of Hyderabad (2017-2018)
  10. Member, Finance Committee, University of Hyderabad (2014-2019)
  11. Member, Departmental Promotion Committee, University of Hyderabad (2014–2017)
  12. Member, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, University of Hyderabad (2009–2011)
  13. Member, Employee Grievance Committee, University of Hyderabad (2007–2010)
  14. Member, Stagnation Removal Committee, University of Hyderabad (2006–2008)
  15. Member, Departmental Promotion Committee, University of Hyderabad (2003-2011)
  16. Returning Officer, Students Union Election, University of Hyderabad (2009)
  17. Member, Sabbatical/Study Leave Committee, University of Hyderabad (2002-2009)
  18. Member, SC/ST Admissions Advisory Committee, University of Hyderabad (1999-2009)
  19. Member, Placement Advisory Committee, University of Hyderabad (2004–2008)
  20. Member, Counseling Cell, University of Hyderabad (2005–2008)
  21. Member, Central Disciplinary cum Grievance Committee, University of Hyderabad (2000–2006)
  22. General Secretary, UH Teachers Association, University of Hyderabad (2004-2006)
  23. President, UH Employees Mutually Aided Co-operative Housing Society, University of Hyderabad (2003–2006)
  24. Member, Credit System Facilitating Committee, University of Hyderabad (2004)
  25. Member, Advisory Committee on Scholarships, University of Hyderabad (2000–2002)
  26. Member, Advisory Committee on Online Test for Foreign Nationals, University of Hyderabad (2004)
  27. Member, Advisory Committee for PGDEE, CDE, University of Hyderabad (2003-2005)
  28. Placement Advisor, School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad (2004-2005)
  29. Conducted several Training Programs for the Officers and Non-Teaching staff of the University of Hyderabad (2000-2019)
  30. Associate Coordinator, Remedial Coaching Programme for SC/ST students, University of Hyderabad (2001-2003)
  31. Joint Secretary, UH Teachers Association, University of Hyderabad (2002–2004)

XI. Online Teaching/ MOOCs

  • Offered three online courses titled Research Methodology for Social Science Teachers and Data Analysis for Social Sciences through SWAYAM under the ARPIT of MHRD/UGC.
  • Conducted online Workshops, FDPs, and Refresher courses in Research Methodology, Data Analysis tools, SPSS and MS Excel.

XII. Awards and Recognition

  • A Research paper titled  ‘Impact of AI and Robotics in the Tourism Sector: A Critical Insight, published in the Journal of Tourism Futures, has won an award for Outstanding Paper in the 2023 Emerald Literati Awards ( Co-authored with Samala, N., Katkam,  & Rodriguez, R. V.).
  • The first recipient of the Hyderabad Management Association’s (HMA) Academicians Excellence Award in 2020.
  • A Research paper titled ‘The effects of service quality on student loyalty: the mediating role of student satisfaction’ published in the Journal of Modelling in Management was identified as a Highly Commended Paper in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence (Co-authored with Annamdevula S.).
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